Category Archives: Blog

These People Were Born in Kashmir and Made it Big in Movies

joanna l kashmir

See Gyawun other popular stories here Aamir Bashir Image 1 of 15 Aamir was born and raised in Kashmir. Born to a retired Chief Justice of Jammu High Court, he did his graduation from St. Stephen’s College University of Delhi. He has acted in movies like Haider, Peepli live, Pyaar ke Side Effects and many […]

Never Felt So At Home with a Family That Wasn’t My Own

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We flew from Kerala to Kashmir to stay with Insha’s family. Actually, we were only supposed to stay for a few days, and we ended up canceling our ticket back because we were having such a good time. I don’t even have words for Kashmir. It was by far the best trip I’ve made yet, […]

Kashmiri Inventions & Discoveries, You Probably Dont know About

kashmiri inventions

  Seamless Celestial Globe It was invented in Kashmir by Ali Kashmiri ibn Luqman in 998H/1589-90 CE, in the reign of the Mughal Emperor Akbar.  Unlike the ordinary globe that represents earth, the celestial globe represents sky complete with stars and constellations on it. It was a practical tool in astronomy that allowed astronomers to position […]

Kashmir Honey Lady – OMG check out the last one

hussaini honey kashmir

Hussaini, the famous honey producer of Srinagar, Kashmir – that produces 7 different types of honey, all of which have specific healing qualities. SHe runs her business in the naem of Oriental Apiary. The business lady in the video has a very rich heritage/ legacy to her, nevertheless the apiary was started by her late […]

5 Kashmiri Apps You Dont Know About

kashmiri apps

DIAL KASHMIR Dial Kashmir is a Kashmir based app which  provides the users extensive information like addresses, phone numbers and email id of various essential and commercial services in Kashmir. So next time you want to find something in Kashmir, search on Dial Kashmir.     HICALLER Hicaller developed by Asif Showkat Wani,  is a free […]

4 Apps Every Kashmiri Should Use To Help Boost Tourism

apps to boost travel

AIRBNB Airbnb is an app  for people to list, find, and rent lodging. Since we Kashmiris have huge houses with most rooms vacant, why not rent them out to tourists. I have been using Airbnb in Delhi for last one year and have hosted people from Canada, America, New Zealand and Spain. Its just easy […]

Her Experience Of Travelling Alone In KASHMIR

renuka gyawun

When she started out with her trip to Srinagar , she had her preconceived notions about Kashmir. She thought maybe she’d need a local to accompany her everywhere, because it wouldn’t be safe to wander alone with a bulky camera hung around her neck. But her notions disappeared on their own as she began to […]

Solo Travel to Kashmir For Women


This is the post we had done on our Gyawun Facebook page, which is review of a trip to Kashmir by a solo traveler Shally on her blog. In this post she had answered to those people who had questions like Kashmir is not safe. You’ll get bored, What if something bad happens? There are terrorists in Kashmir. What […]